You Are not Past your Prime, You Have Not Peaked, and Diets Don't Work

The Best News You Never Heard

ready to work together??

Seminars and retreats

individual services

We're Here For You

We offer two types of personalized packages for you, one abbreviated, and one extensive. Our three session package is for women who have a general grasp on their health and wellbeing, but are seeking optimization. Our six session package is for women who are struggling in multiple areas and are in need of intensive partnering.

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group services

Group services are tailored to both small and large groups. Our one hour Listen and Learn Lecture offering is ideal for book clubs, faith groups, and small offices. We also offer half day seminars featuring an applicable professional expert. These include a light lunch. Topics for both services vary based on preference and availability. Brief Q & A to follow each.

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women's weekend

Three days of resource rich, life giving, life changing, experiences in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Not only will you learn how to unlock the fullness of your future through optimal wellness, you will also make friends you didn't even know existed. This weekend will be pivotal in your wellness journey.

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Dear one, this is your revelation page. 

You landed here for a reason. This is no accident.

Your Master Key is here - the coveted brass one, cradled in your gorgeous green velvet box. It belongs to you. It holds the power to unlock your glowing future. Yes, your full and exhilarating, life brimming, love bursting, I can't wait to get up every morning, whole life, future. Spoiler alert: Your brass key will not lock your refrigerator.

Let's talk about why you need YOUR this stage, at your age. Now. Today.

Relationships come and go, careers change or slow, children grow... life shifts. This transition happens incrementally, but dramatically. You've slid into neutral, while taking residence in a little hut of existence. Checking in to this micro purgatory has been made even worse by all the baggage. Tightly packed emotional and physical toxins, moved in one piece at a time, over the years. They are actually the very things blocking your way out. You don't know how to leave, because you don't remember how- or even when- you became hostage here in the first place.

You do know this though...dwelling in this dimly lit hut of complacency, is not who you are. You want out. Now.

But... How? Your confinement is certainly not due to your lack of trying.

You've tried... Really. Tried.

Tried diets and doctors and books and blender recipes - Tried more cleanses than you have shoes in your closet. Each one resulting in another closed door, not a way out. You are running out of options.

You know this is all wrong... You know more than this... You have lived more than this... You have loved more than this... You're are loved more than this... and you ARE more than this.

There is very good news for you here- in fact, it's the best news you've never heard. You can find your way out, and you have a guide here to help do you it. But. How? Our first mission involves the doors to your "ho-hum" hut. Ignore the clutter and pick your way to the first one. This is a dead end door, leading to all the paralyzing phone app snapshots, the ones touting size 2, designer clothes wearing, politically correct, females. Lock that one. Permanently, so you wont get trapped there again. And, let's look for another door besides the revolving one of mainstream medical advice, often yielding more ineffective prescriptions than your purse can hold.

There is this problem; however, you don't FEEL like more than this, anymore. Guess what? It's not your fault.

No wonder you're dizzy, don't enter that one again until you know when, and where, to exit. The biggest door, the wide opening responsible for ushering you in...beckoning you with each passing year, each mounting disappointment, and each debilitating betrayal...kick it shut, and kick it hard, kick the doorknob off. Good. 

Time to step over all the current emotional toxins littering your departure.

Your life is not over. You have not peaked. Your best days are head of you- not behind you. Focus on the ray of light you see streaming across the floor, that's your way out. That's your door. Walk towards it. See. That wasn't impossible. You just took the first steps.

Now. You're at THE door. The knob is hard to turn, lean into it.

Open it. Here I am. The one hugging you. The one holding the tissues and your tools.

I know you. I'm with you. Let's get moving. Don't look back. Your tiny tent has now become your learning "lean to". A necessary stop, preparing you to embark on the grandest adventure you never took. Your life is beginning again... let's open your map, and activate your compass. You are now in pursuit of the gorgeous mansion, that is your life's destination. There are grand doors of wisdom to be opened within....passages to your future. What you were made for. Your master key awaits you there.

We'll need to navigate some unpaved roads first, but that's ok- you know you can do it, you've spent your life training for this, you just didn't know it. Now you do. but how? together.

Let's go. Let's do this. Together.

You're only an eyelash away from getting started. Your guide is right beside you.

i'm ready, let's do this!