I'm Laurie McCain, a believer, wife, mother, grandmother, and as you may have gathered from my greeting...a southerner.
I love pearls, peonies, and pink champagne, and that's just the truth, even if it is alliteration.
Not only does your nutrition and health coach enjoy a delicate flute of bubbles, I also don't subscribe to a one size fits all approach to anything that nourishes us. While I do believe there are certain Christian and moral absolutes, our best lives are found in what helps us to thrive as individuals, from food to faith.
My goal will never be to mold you into a vegan or an Episcopalian. Unless, of course, we discover those two fuel you- body and spirit.
Here's the common thread: God, your body, and your brain, know what's best for you.
My role is to help you determine exactly what those last two components are. Our shared goal becomes empowering you with your personal, bio individual, wisdom.
Maybe you'd like to know what led me in search of my key?
I'm going to take my veil off here...
Armed with a rather pitiful arsenal -consisting of old fashioned perseverance, and a new pair of SPANX, I was no match for my growing army of symptoms.
Empty energy, terrible insomnia, joint pain, digestive problems, hair loss were now my new norm.
As if that weren't enough- anything and everything which previously brought me joy had done an about face retreat.
Totally evacuated.
When our kids left for college, my life purpose of 25+ years trotted swiftly along behind them.
I was so depleted both physically and emotionally, I couldn't even pray.
This girl's infrequent attempts were whispered, and barely produced singular weak phrase- "Please help me, God. Please."
I visited my doctor, answered a few questions, and had blood drawn. She gave a cursory glance at my chart, and after noting my weight gain- and asked if "I'd ever tried Weight Watchers?" So. Not exactly the game plan and pep talk I was hoping for... In a small moment of vindication, she did phone me a few days later, and apologetically relayed - my thyroid was either barely functioning or not at all.
She further indicated I was severely anemic, and then firmly stated this called for immediate attention and monitoring.
She ended her finding with a statement that was music to my ears, "Obviously this explains your symptoms".
Well, as we love to say in the south, HALL .E . LUAH!
There are concrete physiological reasons for my implosion.
Every negative test was both a relief and a disappointment.
I didn't think I could endure hearing, "Your labs are completely normal" one more time."
The final straw occurred when one well meaning physician declared in monotone, "You are depressed and in of need medication." He stated this was the only logical remaining diagnosis, and my issues would eventually resolve with a few more prescriptions. With great tear brimming, jaw clenching restraint, I explained to him that yes, I was depressed. I was depressed because I felt so bad. It was not the other way around, and thank you, but no- I did not want any more pills to take, in the form of anti- depressants.
I immediately enrolled at Google University and simultaneously almost drowned in contradictory information- from reputable sources no less. It was so overwhelming, assimilating it - let alone appying it-was impossible. Not to mention the awful stress induced by my self diagnosis of a few fatal diseases.
Please, don't do this.
There was, however, one invaluable nugget of repetition from my research.
One term emerging and re- emerging from multiple sources...
Integrative Medicine.
I was intrigued by the approach of using multiple and individual diagnostic tools, to determine the reasons rather than just treat the symptoms.
These geniuses- and empaths- merged both natural and conventional modalities.
Doctors who viewed both the body and brain as whole rather than segregating its parts as if they could function independently.
Physicians who believed both eastern and western modalities held healing properties.
Toxins matter. Food matters. Stress matters. Activity and rest matters...the list went on.
Moreover, there was a consistent and cohesive belief that a pill (or twenty), rarely conquers the problem in its entirety.
I then turned my finely honed google skills in search of an Integrative physician.
I found Dr. James McMinn M.D., an anointed doctor and a healer with knowledge and patience, who was willing to partner with me in becoming my own advocate.
The process involved me taking possession of everything from my lifestyle to my lab work, and viewing all collectively and objectively. The road was often slow with a few dead ends here and there; but, I had a skilled and intuitive coach as well as a profound encourager, in my Integrative M.D.
I learned I had heavy metal issues, I had nutrition issues, I had stress issues, and I had relationship issues. Not to mention my legitimate, (this time evidence based) personal self discoveries along way- from an inflammation driven gluten intolerance to a thyroid tumor.
Using many of Dr. McMinn's tools and a few of my own, my health and my life continued to improve more, and more, and more.
During one of my wellness victory visits, my physician, and now my friend, thus declared me his ultimate empowered patient.
His praise turned out to be the segway to one of the most pivotal questions I've ever been asked-
I pursued and obtained a degree from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the world, located in New York. I now hold a degree in Integrative Nutrition and Health, and am also an Ambassador for the Institute.
Equipped with this knowledge, along with humility born from my own experiences-my purpose is now to help women figure out their wellness solutions, so they can live their purposes too.
I've known Laurie McCain for over 35 years. Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 2 ductal carcinoma in my breast. Amid multiple tests, doctor’s appointments, second opinions, my husband and I were trying to decide the best course of treatment for me. Everyone had a story to tell or an opinion to give, but something that Laurie did was gently nudge me toward creating a healthy environment in my body, enabling it to better respond to the cancer treatment I chose.
She gave me practical suggestions about realistic changes I could make in my everyday nutrition and lifestyle with the goal of a healthy environment to fight off cancer. Each suggestion was backed up by research she had done, books she had read, and specific name brands that were better than others, usually including where I could purchase them. Nothing was counter to my treatment, only supplementary. Laurie was never pushy, and I never felt overwhelmed by her suggestions. Thankfully, I am completely recovered and still look to her for advice on aging well!
"I highly recommend Laurie McCain as a health coach! Laurie is hands down one of the most compassionate people I have ever met. She also has a tenacity and willingness to dig below the surface and seek out the root causes of things. This, you can tell, is grounded in her own personal health journey which makes her coaching all the more powerful and perceptive. Laurie embodies everything I would want in a health coach: wisdom, knowledge, love, and she loves Jesus! She is insightful, wise, experienced and research driven. While knowledge is certainly the key component, she also walks what she talks and advocates for, which allows you to instantly trust her advice. Lastly, Laurie also makes you feel safe and understands how to break things down for application in a manageable way to fit a busy full lifestyle, which is important to me. I can't recommend her highly enough!"
"The constant for Laurie in the 5 years I have known her, is her unique ability to quickly connect with you in the most true-hearted way, honing in on the tiniest of threads. She then pulls them together in a way that offers discovery and inspiration, ultimately connecting you with your true self. She is relentless in her pursuit of knowledge, having the rare the capacity to draw out what is needed to reveal practical, straightforward steps in helping others find healing. Using knowledge, faith, and gathered information- I've seen her singlehandedly heal herself when a long line of credentialed people missed the forest while looking for a single tree. Dedication, crazy Intuition, kindness, relentless pursuit of and thirst for knowledge, practicality, generosity beyond measure, abounding faith, intelligence, and loyalty don't even begin to cover it. I am honored to call Laurie McCain friend and mentor. I want her in my " Foxhole" when the chips are down.