July 27, 2020
There is no need to recount the dangers and tragic deaths due to COVID-19. It has/is marking our nation and the world in unforgettable ways. Two obvious questions remain at the forefront, how do we avoid it, and how do we prevent it? Let me offer one more- how do we know next year, or the next, there won’t be another virus equally, or God forbid, more powerful? Science based evidence reveals vaccines for these types of viruses are only partially effective. Every year, untold people get the flu shot, and a number of them still get the flu. Still others, have compromised immune systems and are unable to receive vaccines. Furthermore, viruses do mutate, and a vaccine which adequately or partially combats a virus one year, is powerless the next. Lastly, these vaccines are not without risks and reactions. Some individuals’ lives have been forever altered after these injections.
These realities give us a springboard for the final and most important question- why do some of us fall victim to these viruses and some of us do not? Let’s state this up front; there is no magic bullet here. The good news is, we do have an untapped arsenal at our disposal.
Clearly, there is strong evidence related to the relevance of personal hygiene, handwashing, etc., beyond those- the best offence is an even better defense. None of us can adequately fight an invader with a weak fortress. That’s why this is a big deal, we’ve failed to address our many points of vulnerability.
There are four walls to your fort, Nutrition, Supplementation, Sleep/Activity, and Purpose. Don’t blow the last one off, it’s as critical as the other three, it’s been proven. We’ll dive into the intricacies of all four. For now- here’s the overview.
Nutrition / Digestive System. 70 – 80% of our immune system is located in our gut, so its strength and integrity cannot be understated. Many factors influence its effectiveness, but it goes without saying- what we put in our mouths is the greatest contributor.
Supplementation. In a perfect world, we’d get all the nutrients we need from our food. We don’t live in that world. Everything from dining out, to the depletion of the soil our food is grown in, along with other individualized factors, keep us from getting all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, we need from our food.
Sleep. This is when our bodies repair and restore themselves. Rest also helps us manage stress, feel like exercising, and decreases hunger.
Activity. Ahh…so much here. We all know about heart health, how exercise helps us to maintain weight, and manage stress. Did you know our skin is the largest organ our body has, and the best way to detoxify it is through sweating?
Purpose. People with purpose not only get sick less, they live longer. Science supports this too.
Let’s fortify our bodies and our lives together with these four strong walls.
Here we go.
(Stay tuned for part II)
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