July 27, 2020
How can the life giving bread of the Bible be so terrible for us? Truth is…, it’s not the same bread. Wheat is the main component in bread, pasta, and baked goods, and hidden in other products as well. Unfortunately, forces have altered the composition of our wheat over time. Some of these transformations were birthed in pure intent; others were and are – purely profit driven. Regardless of motives, the methods have born disastrous results for many of us.
Gluten is a combination of two proteins found in wheat, and is responsible for the chewy texture in dough. It’s true; it was consumed for hundreds of years with little to no problem. Two major events occurred to forever alter what was once a very pure food.
The first occurred with the genesis of the Industrial Revolution, resulting in the birth of the processed food industry. When the modern steel roller mill was invented it forced the old stone milling process into extinction (1865-1875). This new way of processing wheat separated the collective parts of the wheat, essentially eliminating the kernel, the richest source of protein, vitamins, lipids, and minerals. It also yielded an abundance coveted fine white flour, making it affordable to all. It also shipped and stored better, keeping almost indefinitely. Beyond that, pests were no longer interested in it (go figure!).
The second modification of our wheat occurred in 1970 when scientist Norman Borlaug won a Pulitzer Prize for inventing modern hybridized wheat. This semi-dwarf wheat was more resistant to wind, drought, and was also much easier to harvest. The pioneering of this technique led to new farming technology by companies like Dupont and Monsanto. While there were obvious benefits in which a higher yield crop allowed more people to be fed, there were also some unintended consequences.
Few would argue, cutting down on hunger and simultaneously making our farmers more profitable are both worthy yields; however, what happens within our digestive systems when we consume it- is anything but. This GMO (genetically modified organism) wheat produced multiple new strains of gluten, which our bodies have a hard time recognizing, and even harder time digesting. Not only do we develop digestive symptoms, like IBS, (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) but over time the unrecognizable proteins damage the lining of our intestines. These unrecognizable proteins enter our blood streams through our leaky intestines. Our bodies immediately recognize them as a foreign “invader” and produce antibodies. These antibodies can lead to a host of problems from autoimmune diseases to ADD, to crashing fatigue, to name a few.
If only I were through…but there is an additional, very dangerous problem with our modern day wheat. Remember Monsanto? Beginning in the 1980’s, they slowly introduced a chemical called GLYPHOSATE into our food supply. You may recognize it by its household name, ROUNDUP. Yes. Your GMO wheat is sprayed with a form of ROUNDUP. It works by killing the pests who eat it, without harming the plant. But then you, yes you, eat the plant, sprayed with the ROUNDUP, whicj previously killed the bugs. The studies declaring ROUNDUP safe for consumption were, you guessed it- self funded. By Monsanto. The good news is new private studies are revealing the exact opposite. ROUNDUP has not only been linked to cancer, but also to severe cognitive and emotional distress, thereby giving scientific credibility to logical conclusion.
We’ll explore the gut/brain connection in the future.
For now, I’ll refer you to the following comprehensive sources for your consideration:
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