July 27, 2020
O.K. Deep cleansing breath before we open this door. Are there any of us whose heart didn’t drop a bit when we read this title? Mine sank some just thinking about it. Some of us are still bleeding from blows delivered by other women,, the very ones who should have been our allies, to this very day. Let’s rip the band aid off, and give them some air…
No matter how we’re wired, something deep within us wants to believe a woman would never hurt another woman. Using the word “I” is normally something to be avoided. Unfortunately, the only way to relate said experiences which contributed to the following philosophy – is to deploy that pronoun. Your sister here- also happens to be perfectionist and a peacemaker (1 w 9 for our Enneagram fans) so admitting I don’t have what it takes to make a friendship work, is a heart heaving process.
There is no magic formula here but rather just a retelling of my personal criteria for determining whether to fold or fight for, a friendship. None of it is based on brilliance or righteousness, just personal experience. Beyond that, please know I take this subject very seriously. I can count on one hand (with two fingers left) the number of friendships I ultimately had to place in the toxic category.
A final word: When overwhelming evidence indicates a friendship is harmful to us, it can be ended with the same truth and love we just talked about. Make it about you, and your feelings, not her faults. I once had to say, “I’m just in a place right now where our friendship isn’t healthy for me.” After you speak your firm but non accusatory truth in this way, you no longer have to accept calls, or return texts or emails. Someone who seeks to elevate themselves through your neglect, or demise, is not entitled to have a window into your world. You are required however, to forgive them, and never, EVER speak ill of them. Ephesians 4:15. Here endeth the Epistle!
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